Monday, 23 May 2011


Well at long last I have started the blog I have told so many of my friend about, I have so many Ideas, and so little time I don't know where to start!

So to begin, an introduction on what sort of things I will be posting!!! I will be posting updates on the different "projects" I am currently undertaking, and the new ideas and workshops I will be running!

Currently I am planning a baby shower for twin boys, a "puppy party" for my youngest 5th birthday, trying to reorganise every room and cupboard in my house and whilst waiting to start my new job as a cake decorator in July, I am working as a cleaner, yep that's right, doing the one job that truly does my head in!!

I am first going to show you the before and afters- well middles of my craft room, Its not quite finished yet, but i don't think that room ever will be! However from the before and afters you will notice a MASSIVE difference! I know I have!

(and I must say I was pretty happy with having my own space)

After ( aka middles)
Still a work in progress but what a difference! Now I'm in my element, lol!!

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